The very special post

I wanted to write this post 2 hours ago, so I started a 30-minute session of focused music on Brain Fm as usual. Few minutes later I paused the music to receive a 15-min call from my friend. Afterwards, as I opened the word document I use to draft my daily posts in, I remembered that a few weeks ago, before my 30-day free trial ended, I used to write on Scrivener software and that they were about to release a brand-new version for windows, the first major update in years, so I went to their website to find that lo and behold it was indeed released, so I paid for the license, downloaded the new shiny software that will absolutely help me write better and fired it up. The software was beautiful.

As I normally did, I hit F11 to use the full screen mode for writing. Unfortunately, the background was dark now and I didn’t’ like it or that I couldn’t change it in options. Therefore, I spent some time looking up the manual to change the background of the composition screen to white, with no success. I had to DuckDuckGo it to find I had to have a JPG image of white to use as my wanted backdrop, so that’s what I did.

Now, I was so ready to write my post.

However, I decided to clean my keyboard first, because I forgot to tell you I spilled some coffee on it yesterday and, although I cleaned it well, the letters D and Z were still sticky.

So here you are, one clean keyboard later, reading how this brilliant post got safely to your browser. It was a long journey of excuses on the way, but I think my writing got better, don’t you think? 🙂

The very special post

Pain Management

I gained great the insights from this podcast interview of Nir Eyal with Greg McKeown where he said “Time Management is Pain Management” meaning if we know how to manage our uncomfortable feelings we will be better able to manage our time. We are the ones who initiate distraction to feel better emotions.

There is no harm in indulging in social media or Netflix as long as we do it with intention. Plan to spend an hour on those things in a certain time of the day, then when that time comes enjoy it guilt-free.

The experience is radically different when done on purpose rather than as an escape mechanism.

Pain Management