What to do when you don’t like your job?

When you don’t like your job that waking up in the morning becomes a burden, you might need to change your job. We spend so much of our days at work, that means you need to enjoy what you do at least half of the time.

It’s a fact, we all get tasks and bosses we don’t like. But if all your tasks feel painful, and all your interactions with your boss seem horrible, you need to seriously consider finding a new job.

Your job does not have to be your calling or the reason you were born. Even those do who find their passion in life are advised not to quit their day job to relieve themselves of the pressure of making money off their passion. At least, not until they can match their current income or exceed it. Elizabeth Gilbert was the best to talk about the difference between a job and calling. You can have both.

Finding a new job is a challenge and you need to be actively seeking new opportunities and putting yourself out there. You also need to be patient until you get that new job that excites you, where you excel and shine.

But what should you do until then?

What if changing your job is not an option at the moment, and you still hate it?

  • Remember your why of keeping this job: What freedoms, privileges, possessions do you currently enjoy because of your job and the money you’re making?
  • Remember the value you add to your workplace with the role you have. If you don’t see it, think what would happen if you are gone, will you be missed?
  • If you don’t think you will be missed, that means you need to step up. Create new tasks to start adding value in a way that only you, with your personality and experience, can add.
  • You can make those tasks the reason you start liking your job, let them be play to your strength points.
  • Think about the people you interact with on a daily basis, you are in each other’s lives temporarily, and for a reason. How can you interact with them in a genuine and meaningful way?
  • How can you make your coworkers’ lives easier, starting with your boss? Be proactive and surprise them with your thoughtful actions.

What to do when you don’t like your job?

Magic and Energy

A good night sleep, a rested body, a healthy gut and an alert mind, are some of the natural things that most of us enjoy every day but take for granted. When they go missing, however, we lose our magic.

We don’t have enough energy to process data or people. We find it hard to avoid road rage caused by a reckless driver who cut in front of us. We get edgy with our boss for making a very reasonable request. We feel needy when a loved one does not answer right away. We more than dislike online schooling and any newly assigned homework like the plague. We seek food for comfort that can’t be grasped. Our attempt to save our energy turn us into whiny selfish human beings. We feel like we lost the capacity for kindness or understanding. We take things personally.

This happens when you miss a good night sleep or two.

Imagine this state expanding over days and weeks. This turns into burnout. No time for self-care turns us into exhausted cynics. We feel we can’t make a difference and the light of hope dims in our eyes.

If you feel that what I described is how you feel most days, I am here to tell you 2 things. First, you are not alone and second, given your circumstances, it is still not natural to feel this way, no matter what others tell you.

You are meant to thrive. You are meant to feel hopeful. You are meant to feel your goodness and extend it to others.

Name it to tame it. This is burnout, and it happens when you put aside your needs and take care of the needs and demands of others for too long. It is not sustainable. You need to take care of you first before taking care of others.

Start your healing by asking yourself what are you depriving yourself of? And whose opinion are you depriving yourself for?

You need a break to just be, to give your soul some space to breathe unrushed, so that your body could restore the energy it lost.

Your magic will return when your energy returns. You and your world deserve you at your best.

We need your magic. Take care of you.


Blog Post title inspired by this.

Magic and Energy