I hardly re-read any paperback books. The only books I usually re-read are audiobooks because I miss a lot of the content first time round. However, this is my 4th year reading The Daily Stoic. This is such a good annual read that I highly recommend.
Whenever I see something underlined or highlighted by my past self I get mixed feelings. Sometimes I feel “I hardly changed, this part still amazes me“. Other times I feel “That does not resonate with me anymore“. Many times I wonder what I was thinking when I circled a passage many times. I always highlight new parts that stand out to me but did not before.
Rereading a book is a lot like rereading old journal entries where you meet a younger version of you. You feel you changed a lot and not that much simultaneously. It is a beautiful feeling. That’s why I’m more convinced I need to take book notes because they are also a documentation of who we are when we read those books.