Digital Declutter Challenge Update – Week 3

My screen time this week is down by almost 50% compared to my previous behavior where I only used my phone for an average of 3 hours 15 minutes daily, and that includes kindle and maps. I’m so proud.

All my rules have been working just fine. I met a friend for coffee last week and I didn’t have a book on me so I waited for her staring out the window which was a nice change.

Some friends reached out via whatsapp saying they missed me and looking forward for my return and I reminded them to check my newsletter where I have been sharing my most important updates regarding this challenge.

A friend said she just realized I was in a challenge so my insight is it takes around 2 weeks for people who regularly interact with you to start missing you on social media.

I have noticed that my email list’s growth is slowing down which is making Instagram’s value for my work clearer as it has been the key source of newsletter subscriptions. Instagram then is for marketing my work. I will go back to it after this challenge to share what I create for my core work which is my podcast and blog and hopefully future online workshops and to engage in Live sessions with my dear followers and encourage them to stay in touch with me via my newsletter.

I have also decided to extend my challenge to February 15th . One week after kids start the 2nd non-online (fingers crossed) school semester and we settle into our new routines.

You can listen to this update in Arabic in episode 17 of my podcast below:

Digital Declutter Challenge Update – Week 3