My Workday Startup Ritual is how I stay laser focused

My ideal workday startup ritual consists of the following steps:

  1. Arrive to office.
  2. Fill up my water bottle.
  3. Light up my office candle (stays on for an hour).
  4. Read for 5 minutes from a work related book (finished reading “To sell is human” like this, currently reading “The motivation manifesto”).
  5. Scan my annual and quarterly work goals and weekly tasks sheet.
  6. Do the 10-minute check-in as mentioned in the amazing book Start Finishing by answering:
    1. Has anything significant changed between now and the last checkout? The key word here is significant. Some events do change the course of your day. For instance, your kids might get sick and you’ll need to change your plans to be able to take care of them.    
    1. What did you plan for today? This is where you review the plan you made for yourself the day before.
    1. What’s one thing you’re going to start on right now? This step is all about setting the intention to focus on this one thing for your next time block.
  7. Time block my day using my passion planner. I learned this productivity method from Deep Work book, and I believe this is a very important step to keep me focused during the day and mindful of shifts in my schedule and outside interruptions and self-initiated distractions.
  8. Start working on my most important task.
My Workday Startup Ritual is how I stay laser focused

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