How To Do a Weekly Preview

Note: Michael Hyatt uses the term preview not review on purpose because in this practice we are not just reviewing the past, we are also preparing for a better week ahead based on the insights we gain. So without further ado here it is:

The Weekly Preview Practice according to Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt.

Step 1: What Were Your Biggest Wins?

I love that the weekly review starts on such a high note by looking for the positive. I check my calendar, daily pages and gratitude journal entries to remember the good that happened.
Sometimes the wins are big like launching a new podcast episode or getting on TV, other times the wins simply include getting through the week in one piece.

Step 2: After Action Review

  • State the progress of your weekly goals.
  • What worked? What didn’t?
  • What will you keep? Improve? Start? Stop?

The term “After-Action review” as Michael Hyatt explains is the name of the process used by the US army to review their performance after each battle to do better next time. Many businesses do it and we can apply it too. In the weekly preview context, we list our planned goals for the past week and what we actually accomplished in percentage format, which I like. This acknowledges the little progress we made. Then, we go about writing what worked and didn’t work in reference to those goals and in general. Accordingly, we decide how we will readjust our actions next week. We decide what we will keep doing because it worked and what we will stop or improve. This way we can catch negative habits before they take root and switch to more productive ones immediately. We course correct weekly and do not wait for a big review in the distant future to realize we need to change something.

Step 3: List Sweep

Below are my own suggestions

  • Check all your to-do lists, calendar, emails for the past week to check what’s done and capture all your pending items and add the proper reminders.
  • Check your digital health. How much screentime did you have last week? Most phones now have this feature built in. I use RescueTime and AppBlock and I heard that Moment is a good solution too.
  • If you are a content creator, check the growth of your platforms, I like to do that and take note of any peaks.
  • Log your expenses on your preferred app. I like Mobills.
  • Check the upcoming meetings/events you have to make sure you would be ready.
  • Read your annual and quarterly goals (I recommend keeping them visible all the time)

Step 4 : List your top 3 goals for the upcoming week (Weekly Big 3).

It’s important to list 3 important goals to get done that will get you closer to achieve your quarterly goals. These could be taken from planned but undone goals, or from action plan items under each big goal you previously set. These goals would also drive your daily big three goals for the coming week. Sometimes, the weekly big three could include work or family tasks, It’s ok. Make sure to at least have 1 or 2 goals that will move your personal goals forward every week.

And you’re done! Repeat weekly.

Pro tip: After you finish the preview, I recommend you call your accountability partner and share it with them. Commit to this keystone habit and see magic happening in your life, just like what I’ve personally experienced during the last 2 years committing to this habit.

How To Do a Weekly Preview

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