Take a moment to cool down

Here is a question I liked in The Daily Stoic Journal and my answer to it:

What would happen if I took a second to cool down?

  • Feelings would be saved.
  • Words that shouldn’t be spoken would be silenced.
  • Trust would be maintained.
  • Regret would be unnecessary. 
  • Guilt would be spared.
  • Relationships would be preserved.
  • Judgment would be deferred.
  • Love would be honored.
  • Day would be made.
  • Pride would be deserved.
  • Self would be disciplined.
Take a moment to cool down

What Friends Are For

Sometimes, even though you know all the facts about your life, you still need someone to say them out loud to you to remind you when you get hard on yourself or drown in comparison or feel behind.

My friend reminded me:

You have a full-time job
You have a family and young kids
You have a house to run
You have a podcast that you care about most
You are writing daily
You are doing your best

I hope you have a friend like that.

What Friends Are For