I’m waiting for a shipment to arrive from abroad.
I’ve checked the shipping application several times, even though experience taught me this app’s delivery estimates are never accurate. Yes, the application is good for telling me something is on the way and to pay for shipping charges, but that is about it.
Why am I still checking it?
It’s desire.
Once the shipment is here, I’ll open it in 10 seconds, admire it for 2 minutes, start using it a few days later, and then my life will change. Right?
Of course not.
That’s what my mind wants me to believe, though.
My mind wants me to live in the future where I own that item, and I feel better about my life. It wants me to escape the present, the ordinary, a bit dull, present. My mind nudges me to grab the phone, one more time, and open that useless application as if it can speed up that fantasy future.
Wanting is resisting the present, and I choose to love my life as it is now, shipment or not.