Did you walk today?

The highlight of the previous week was moving my body more than the week before.

I started with a short Wednesday walk right after work. I planned this walk by bringing the appropriate shoes and socks.

On Thursday, I participated in a fantastic team-building event with my work colleagues. I played, moved, and laughed.

On Friday morning, I walked while my kids were in their weekly math class, and later in the day, I walked some more during our family trip to Ajloun Teleferic (highly recommended).

Seeing those steps add up on my watch made me feel great as I was using my body for what it was built for: movement, as opposed to the unnatural sedentary life most of us lead by working at office desks for long hours.

Last week, I distinctly felt the need to move, like I had an excess of negative energy that journaling could not help me let out. Walking was what I needed. I was right.

Walking has been a part of my life since the quarantine days. Although many things could come in the way of taking a nice walk, like the shortage of pavements, there are good places to safely walk and enjoy the beautiful architecture of houses and the splendor of trees, especially at this time of year.

I don’t walk every day as I wish, but even if I start on Wednesdays, it’s still way better than walking zero times during the week.

When will you walk this week? 

Did you walk today?

Begin Again

You wanted to start today perfectly, but you didn’t? You were not at your best behavior perhaps? You snapped at someone or criticized others? You were mean, even?

I listened to something beautiful recently from Waking Up App about the power of beginning again. It went something like this, and I am paraphrasing here: “When we notice how we are acting, we need to make amends if we can then forgive ourselves immediately and completely. After that, we decide to free fall into the next moment without any residue of the past. “

We don’t need to take on the weight of guilt to the next moment.

I loved it so much. Today I needed it again. Maybe you do too?

Begin Again