Reading Now: The Way of Integrity

Just released and her first in 5 years, I excitedly started listening to the new book by the renowned author and life coach Martha Beck, called The Way of Integrity, and I am enjoying it so much already.

The first insight I got from her is to start feeling deep gratitude for the negative emotions that we have, because they are signs that our internal guiding system is working perfectly; telling us through those emotions “WRONG WAY”. All we need is to really start listening.

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Reading Now: The Way of Integrity

Books To Look Forward To This Spring

New books I pre-ordered for authors I respect and admire are:

I trust those authors and I can’t wait to see what hey have in store for us.

I would like to mention I like to support my favorite authors. Pre-ordering matters in book publishing business. I also joined the launch team of Jon Acuff’s book to get early book access and read it and review it before its release, so I will share this review here soon.

I will also attempt to write more book reviews here in this blog. I’m reading all the time so why not document it? I watched this inspiring video where one of things the blogger mentioned was that he regretted not writing book reviews sooner because he wanted to get a glimpse of who he was when he read certain titles when younger. That got me motivated indeed.

Books To Look Forward To This Spring

My First Brush With Positivity

Do you remember the first self-help book you ever read? I do. It was the classic Norman Vincent Peale’s book The Power of Positive Thinking, translated to Arabic. I read it one summer when I perhaps was 14-15 years old at my grandmother’s house where I used to spend summers with my sisters. My aunt Stella bought it or borrowed it from someone. I remember being mesmerized by the idea that we need to pay attention to the quality of our thoughts. I remember my excitement reading it and enjoying this shiny new type of non-fiction books I got my hands on.

I usually give credit to reading the more recent controversial book The Secret for turning on the lights for me how my thoughts were powerful and that I needed to watch them. This classic book I read as a young teenager, however, was actually the first to tell me there were two kinds of life outlooks. The positive and the negative.

I now wonder why I had to stumble into a book to learn this key life lesson. How can I teach this skill to my kids? I believe the way I behave and talk to them and to myself infront of them is crucial in teaching them this view. But is it enough?

Thinking about this book today I realize I need to be more vocal about how to view our life’s ups and downs and let my kids find out the good news from their mummy first.       

My First Brush With Positivity