I mentioned in my evening ritual post that I like to end the day with reflecting on the day using the five-minute gratitude journal which has an evening section consisting of 2 prompts:
- 3 Amazing things that happened today…
- How could I have made today even better?
I am happy I built my gratitude habit so well that I find it so easy to answer question one. I still get stuck sometimes answering question 2 because sometimes I really feel I gave it all I got that day. That’s why I try to ask myself this question in a different way, making it more specific, like:
- How might I have been harsh, uncaring, unfriendly, or unkind today?
Below are some other good reflecting questions shared by Ryan Holiday to give yourself a pat on the back on the progress you are making.
- What bad habit did I curb today?
- How did I improve today?
More reflections questions I loved (and shared here before) from the author Tasha Eurich
- What went well?
- What didn’t work?
- What did I learn from this?
- How will I be smarter tomorrow or next time I face this?
The internet is full of good questions to use for reflection, do not overwhelm yourself. What is important is you start this end-of-day reflection habit. Choose one to three questions only to answer every night to make the habit as small as possible so you would stick to it. Keep your reflection journal on your pillow so you will see it when you go to bed and remember to do it.
Happy reflection!